

社会校友Ellie Ehrenfeld记得1958年的STS

凯特琳·詹宁斯(Caitlin Jennings),科学与公众协会传播专家

埃莉·埃伦费尔德(Ellie Ehrenfeld)
埃莉·埃伦费尔德(Ellie Ehrenfeld)。

Ellie Ehrenfeld(科学人才搜索1958)已发表了150多篇论文,曾担任美国国立卫生研究院科学审查中心主任,正在与世界卫生组织合作消除脊髓灰质炎病毒,并拥有许多其他杰出的成就。艾莉(Ellie)现在是一名科学家,她将自己对生物学的广泛了解带入了全球公共卫生工作。但是,像所有伟大的科学家一样,她必须从某个地方开始,而她的某个地方是高中化学课。

“我的[STS]项目非常简单:在大三的化学班实验室中,我们使用了一种常见的氧化剂二色剂铵二色剂,其分解产物在我们的教科书中进行了描述。但是我闻到了氨气,不应该在产品中。我引起了我出色,鼓舞人心的化学老师本杰明·卡普(Benjamin Karp)的注意。他建议我弄清楚产生氨的反应,当我这样做时,他建议我申请西屋STS。”埃莉说。当我被告知自己是决赛入围者并被邀请到华盛顿特区时,我感到非常惊讶。”

埃莉·埃伦费尔德(Ellie Ehrenfeld)
埃莉·埃伦费尔德(Ellie Ehrenfeld)。

The STS award was truly a life-changing event for me,” she says, noting that the scholarship helped her go away to attend college, when she couldn’t have otherwise, and gave her the confidence to apply for a pre-college research program at Jackson Laboratories, where she made important contacts and learned valuable skills before even starting her college career. But, perhaps even more important, she notes, “My STS project provided the first educational experience ever in which I felt that I had actually discovered something new, that had not been known before. For the first time, I did not just learn what others had already discovered, but discovered something myself. This was a major new accomplishment for me — a skinny, young girl of immigrant parents who spoke English with an embarrassingly (to me) thick accent. It had a major impact on my drive to do research as an undergraduate and probably even after.”

对于在高中化学班级中发现自己的发现的未来有成就的科学家,她建议:“科学是我们社会几乎每个方面的重要,重要和深远的贡献者 - 没有可能的可能性如何开发,使用和应用。重要的是要找到您喜欢做的事情,您对此充满热情并潜入其中。”
